Keith and The Girl podcast


2331: “Acting Out”

with Mary Sean Young and Jena Axelrod – Jena and Paul Murdock separate; Sean recounts her career and Hollywood’s systematic destruction of it; Hollywood drug use; Sean’s 2012 Academy Awards arrest; Jena’s quantum physics documentary; 23-year-old poses as a high school student; Keith the nanny; Hollywood gender roles; raising kids in Hollywood; Skating with the Stars

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Keith and The Girl podcast

2219: “I Want to Ride My Bicycle”

with Jena Axelrod and Paul Murdock – Jackie Martling’s show; How old is too old for children?; the inevitable danger of bicycles; accidental selfie shooting; the most brilliant minds agree on the dangers of AI; prostitute kills serial killer; death from car sex; faking live musical performances; pilot invites models to fly plane


Listen HERE